Superkrachten voor je hoofd_peliplat
Superkrachten voor je hoofd_peliplat

Superkrachten voor je hoofd (2024)

6 (NL) | Netherlands | Dutch | 92 min
Directed by: Dylan Haegens

Lev, an insecure boy, leads a dull life with annoying parents who restrict him. However, everything changes when his cool, rebellious grandma shows up at his doorstep and sweeps him away on an exciting adventure to discover his own superpowers. The film "Superpowers for Your Mind" combines great adventures with important themes in mental resilience (including fear of failure, self-confidence, and positive thinking) and offers an inspiring story about courage, acceptance, and believing in oneself. Thanks to his fearless grandma and the challenges they face together, Lev learns to embrace his own shortcomings. He discovers that true superpower doesn't lie in the ability to fly, laser eyes, or controlling objects, but in his mind.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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