The protagonist, a 16-year-old teenager, is dressed only in swim trunks throughout the film.
A 16-year-old boy searches the internet for "How to prepare for successful sodomy".
A man sends a 16-year-old boy messages like "Can't wait to fuck you hard." and a few pictures of his erect penis. The photos are clearly visible, uncensored.
Young man jumps naked into the pool - brief frontal, side and rear male nudity.
Two young men are shown kissing.
A naked old man lies collapsed on the ground while the moans from a pornographic video can be heard from his laptop. Brief male rear nudity.
A young man sunbathes naked. Brief male rear nudity.
Two scenes in which the protagonist takes a bath. You can't see anything.
A young man jokingly suggests to a 16-year-old boy, "We can just jerk off in front of Spiderman."