
Insurrección (2024)

None | Spain | Spanish | 18 min
Directed by: Daniel M. Caneiro, Jorge Hinojosa
This title has not premiered yet

After the events of the Oil Revolution, the city of Alcoy became an independent state, walling its borders and reducing all communication with the rest of the country. The absolutist government organization, El Círculo, controls the city and its inhabitants, who live in peace, oblivious to the conflicts behind its walls. In the present day, more than 150 years later, Júlia Mataix, a young heiress of El Círculo, comfortable in her surroundings of elegant parties and appearances, lives with the pressure of fulfilling the expectations of her future position and the painful burden of the mysterious death of her brother when she was a child. At the anniversary party of the revolution, Júlia meets a mysterious worker who makes her question whether the world is as she has been told it is.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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