Gore varies from episode to episode, but most of the time it is extreme and realistic.
In the Warhammer 40k episode, a squad of space Marines brutally slaughter a horde of heretics in extreme gory detail.
The Sifu episode is bloodily violent(more violent than the game) involving slashing, stabbing, beating and blood splats. Much of which occur on a glass bridge.
Profanity level depends on episode, with uses of "Fuck" and "Shit", among other words throughout. The "Crossfire" episode has the most swearing of all episodes.
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Some drinking and smoking.
Frightening & Intense Scenes
Most episodes are violent, but not disturbing. However, the episodes that are disturbing are extreme.
The PAC-MAN episode is extremely gruesome and brutal. The ending can be quite shoking.
Rated R for strong gory violence throughout, disturbing images, and language.