Stop Playing with Your Eyeballs_peliplat
Stop Playing with Your Eyeballs_peliplat

Stop Playing with Your Eyeballs (2022)

None | USA | English | 53 min
Directed by: Don Grace

Unknown to the happy residents of Aminadab's Island, disgraced former U.S. president Disasturd U. Grope and his dreadful daughters Gonorilla and Reegore have secretly taken up residence in the island's swamp. Grope plans to take over the island because someone he trusts called his office and said there was uranium there. Meanwhile, the island's kindly scientist Doctor Alice Hoo suffers an accident in the lab and becomes possessed by the malignant persona of the lab's former occupant, the mad criminal scientist Elvis Karlosi. She and Grope collaborate to release the monsters Tonguezilla and Bananaconda, which she created. Also, the horrible Eyeballa Virus, causing a bizarre and monstrous deformity of the face, escapes the lab and incapacitates almost all the island's inhabitants. The green-faced Cockney hunchback Aminadab and Harvey, a man constructed from spare parts, attempt to confront Grope and Hoo but are captured by Grope's appalling daughters who, just for fun, remove Aminadab's eyes and Harvey's head, but are forced by The Witch to replace them, which they do grudgingly and poorly. With all the other inhabitants of the island incapacitated and only Harvey, a still-blind Aminadab, and the inebriated Micmac medicine man Screaming Catheter left to defend the clinic where the island's residents will make their last stand against the monsters, things look bleak. However, a rescue mission from the neighboring island of St. Pierre, bearing military personnel and a medical team headed by the redoubtable Dr. Moreau-West, who knows a thing or two about genetic engineering, arrive just in time.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Stop Playing with Your Eyeballs
(Original title)
Stop Playing with Your Eyeballs
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes