Durch den Kaukasus - Der gefährliche Treck_peliplat
Durch den Kaukasus - Der gefährliche Treck_peliplat

Durch den Kaukasus - Der gefährliche Treck (2010)

None | Germany | German |
Directed by: Max von Klitzing

It is an archaic world where Georgia's shepherds live. A breathtaking, remote and difficult-to-access landscape in the High Caucasus in north-eastern Georgia. The life of the shepherds is hard and full of privation. Wolves and bears lurk in the mountains. Before winter sets in, the shepherds prepare for the long and dangerous march down to the valley. For more than two weeks, a film team accompanied them up close on their arduous journey and gained deep insights into the hardscrabble lives of the men, who reveal their hopes and fears.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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