The Librarian_peliplat
The Librarian_peliplat

The Librarian (2022)

None | Turkey | Turkish | 21 min
Directed by: Serkan Aktas

Mazhar, who works in a library and is so fond of books and languages that he knows the location of all the books in the library by heart, lives alone with his parrot, but cannot be at work on time the next morning because he reads until late. Determined to read even the poet Federico Garcia Lorca in Spanish, Mazhar feels "stuck" by the arabesque culture around him and the discomfort created by the Arabic signs and another language that has entered his life. There is another person who will listen to the character of Mazhar, who cannot tell his troubles to anyone and is alienated, and who is shaken by the tragic news of the refugees he encounters in the media, and that is the other Mazhar who often comes across him. After losing his job, he will not only look for a new job, but will make an inner journey that he will not say 'yes' to the result, but that he must accept involuntarily.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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