Tsarevny i Tainstvennaya gostya_peliplat
Tsarevny i Tainstvennaya gostya_peliplat

Tsarevny i Tainstvennaya gostya (2023)

0+ (RU) | Russia | Russian | 71 min
Directed by: Aleksandra Shokha

Adventures await the princesses during the celebration of the All-Magic Day. The school is waiting for a ball: the boys are preparing a surprise, and the princesses are trying on animal costumes. But before the celebration begins, the school is attacked by the young sorceress Marfusha, who has her own scores with the educational institution. Taking Koshchey by surprise, she turns him into a crow, and the princesses who rushed to his rescue into animals, whose costumes they put on. Now, before the end of the All-Magic Day, the princesses must return to themselves and Koshchey their real appearance, otherwise they will forever remain animals. But how to do this, if now they are deprived of their magical abilities?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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