All the Long Nights_peliplat
All the Long Nights_peliplat
Play trailer

All the Long Nights (2024)

G (JP) | Japan | Japanese | 119 min
Directed by: Shô Miyake

Misa Fujisawa experiences premenstrual syndrome once a month. During those times, she tries to deal with her uncontrolled irritation at understanding her colleagues at work. One day, when she experiences PMS, her anger explodes at Takatoshi Yamazoe, who has recently begun working at the same company. It was just a small action that triggered her anger, causing her to feel self-hatred. Meanwhile, Takatoshi suffers from panic disorder. Due to that, he gave up on many things in his life and he carries a lethargic attitude to his life. Becoming aware of each other's situation, Takatoshi Yamazoe and Misa Fujisawa begin to share a bond and try to help each other.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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