Turep: Looking for Children of the Sea_peliplat
Turep: Looking for Children of the Sea_peliplat

Turep: Looking for Children of the Sea (2019)

None | Japan | Japanese | 81 min
Directed by: Nobutaka Yamaoka

Animation production company Studio C, which worked on Children of the Sea, engage in their first live-action film. They have created a vision for a future civilization by combining a story pursuing the whereabouts of a missing man and interviews with actual scientists. Labelled with the titles "Marine Mammal", "Ocean", "Life", "Myth", "Dialogue", and "Universe", six tapes containing video recordings of interviews with renown experts have been left behind by a man (Morisaki Win) who has disappeared. The man's younger sister ascertains the man has gone to Micronesia.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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