Play trailer

Rahsia (2023)

P13 (MY) | Malaysia | Malay | 90 min
Directed by: Shamyl Othman

Ramlah, Hamdan and their children, Marina and Saiful, return to Ramlah's childhood home to visit her father, Tan Sri Karim, on his birthday. While on a picnic by a beach, the leisurely trip takes a tragic turn when Ramlah sees a mysterious figure suddenly take Saiful away and disappeared. The police become doubtful over Ramlah's description of the mysterious figure she saw, but they push on for a search and rescue operation, combing the beach to find Saiful. As Hamdan joins the police effort, Ramlah begins encountering unexplained haunting in the house. She hears strange noises but is unable to detect their source. The mysterious haunting and her missing son take their toll on Ramlah's sanity as well as her marriage. But time and time again, clues lead her to believe that Saiful is close and still alive, as she races against time to find him before it's too late.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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