
PLAN-eT (2023)

None | India | Hindi | 24 min
Directed by: Lom Harsh

We 'Humans' are considered as the best creation of God. And we are becoming the worst mistake of God now. By killing his Plan-eT Earth every day. In search of growth with development of Life, humans started exploiting nature. And due to that 'GLOBAL WARMING' becomes the major issue to fight in this modern world. Story of Plan-eT, revolves around some school kids, who learns this new threat on earth in a classroom session by their teacher. Teacher Introduce them to 'GLOBAL WARMING and Its Impact' and these innocent souls, decides to take the matter in their hands by drafting a plan to save Mother Earth. Will they be able to deliver their message of SAVE EARTH by their efforts, in front of this whole world will be seen in Plan'eT.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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