Vilde engle - en minoritet i Danmark_peliplat
Vilde engle - en minoritet i Danmark_peliplat

Vilde engle - en minoritet i Danmark (1972)

None | Denmark | Danish | 90 min
Directed by: Claus Ørsted

In-depth interview with Bjørn Andersen and his wing man 'Rense Karl' about the attractions of life in the MC gang 'Vilde Engle' along with footage from club life in the garage and on the road. Also discusses the members' critical views and use of violence against pacifists and foreigners as well as their ousting from Hjemmeværnet. Unfolds a big wish for a club house provided by the local municipality and lengthy negotiations about that. Short comments from three involved politicians and a poetic comment from Georges Marinos.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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