Do Not Believe the Cry of the Night Bird_peliplat
Do Not Believe the Cry of the Night Bird_peliplat

Do Not Believe the Cry of the Night Bird (1977)

14+ (RU) | Soviet Union | Russian | 85 min
Directed by: Yacob Burgiu

Immediately after the war, the front-line soldier Vasile Karuntu came to the machine-building plant, where Ion worked, who soon became a foreman. Both of them fell in love with Maria, but she married Vasile. With Maria, he created a family, raised four children, three of whom were adopted orphans. And now, many years after the first rivalry, the management of the plant releases Iona from the foreman and appoints Vasile instead.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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