Five Easy Pieces_peliplat
Five Easy Pieces_peliplat

Five Easy Pieces (2016)

None | Belgium | Flemish | 100 min
Directed by: Milo Rau

Based on testimonies and reconstructions of true stories and a mercilessly break through the taboos of our age - the child-killer Marc Dutroux. In five exercises of utter simplicity, short scenes and monologues for the camera, the young actors sneak into different roles: a police officer, Marc Dutroux's father, one of the victims, or the parents of a dead girl. They adopt their role and fate via the re- enactments which they've rehearsed together with adult actors: a visit to the scene of the crime, a funeral ceremony, an everyday scene from the life of Marc Dutroux's father.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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