Lightning Baby_peliplat
Lightning Baby_peliplat

Lightning Baby (2023)

None | USA | English | 10 min
Directed by: RJ Marshall, Elle Rodriguez

A hooded figure enters a closed recording studio in the dead of night and poisons a water bottle. A news broadcast informs the audience that the band Lightning Baby are getting back together after a long time hiatus. CROWE, BRICK, BAZ, and MORGAN enter the recording studio the next day. Morgan, the manager, informs the 3 present band members that they need to write and record a new song. CRAVEN, the lead singer of the band, walks in late and complains about the state of the studio. She also insists that the band has no contact with the outside world, including locking the doors. Morgan collects the phones and allows the band to work. They come up with a new song, and play it. Craven drinks a water bottle and chokes to death, horrifying the rest of the band. They hide the body in the closet, and quickly begin accusing each other. Baz freaks out and bangs on the door, crying for help. Brick and Crowe pull her off the door, and talk privately without her. This turns into a physical confrontation that Baz hears and interrupts. Crowe, once seeing how animalistic the band has become, gives Brick and Baz a speech, assuring them that they can solve it. He checks the computer for security footage when he hears a loud sound. The band tries to look tough to fend off whatever is outside the studio. Morgan comes in asking about the state of the song. They sigh in relief, and Morgan opens the closet. Craven's body falls on top of her, freaking her out. The band helps her get up and Crowe finishes looking at the security footage. He puts together that the only person that could have poisoned Craven, was Craven. He explains to the band that Craven was attempting to poison one of them, but accidentally poisoned herself. Morgans quits and leaves, leaving the 3 remaining band members in the studio.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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