Horses Whinny Before Falling_peliplat
Horses Whinny Before Falling_peliplat

Horses Whinny Before Falling (2002)

None | Morocco | Arabic |
Directed by: Mohamed Chrif Tribak

The film is set in the city of Larache around several Moroccan characters whose lives are intertwined. The one who links them all together is the excellent student Mo'ez who is considered one of the best-born and smartest high school students where both Abdel-Hak and Nada teach. However, Mo'ez's harsh and difficult living and familial conditions affect his views on the point of studying as he has unemployed brother who had already obtained the high school diplomas that he aspires to obtain. Consequently, his frequent absenteeism in the second semester of the school season prompted his Arabic teacher, his fiance and friend to search for reasons for his absence. Nonetheless, they would be surprised to know that the Mo'ez now is planning to emigrate to Europe so that he does not meet the same fate as his heroic, older brother. As a result, his teacher takes the initiative to save what can be saved of this boy's life before it is too late.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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