Grethe Kausland: Man må være på orntli'_peliplat
Grethe Kausland: Man må være på orntli'_peliplat

Grethe Kausland: Man må være på orntli' (2009)

A (NO) | Norway | Norwegian | 58 min
Directed by: Andreas Diesen

For over 50 years, the little big Grethe Kausland has delighted many Scandinavian people, not at least Norwegian people, with many joyful and musical performances. She was unassuming and down-to-earth in her private life, but together with Dizzie Tunes, she conquered Scandinavia. On stage and television, she could be other celebrities such as Diana Ross to Sammy Davis Jr. She also had colleagues such as Hege Schøyen, Benny Borg and Yngvar Numme who give us warm glimpses of her adventurous artistic life.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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