Final Work_peliplat
Final Work_peliplat

Final Work

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Nathaniel Avila
This title has not premiered yet

Dia, a young artist, is in a bathroom, looking at herself in the mirror, taking deep breaths, and telling herself that "she can do this." She takes her journal and enters into a white room that only has an easel and a canvas. A teacher comes from behind the canvas asking Dia if she's ready. Dia is hesitant but she continues to do her art. Dia's head fills with voices talking down to her about her weight, appearance, and employability. The teacher snaps her back to reality by asking her if she's finished. Dia isn't sure and the teacher proceeds to tell her "Not to waste her time." Dia encourages herself, finds her confidence, tells the teacher that she's worth it, and that her piece is finished.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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