Red Face_peliplat
Red Face_peliplat

Red Face (2022)

None | USA | English | 3 min
Directed by: Ismail Bronson

The United States is about to give up on crime infested Wing City and about to enforce martial law, but two hot headed siblings will enforce justice on their own accord before that happens. Those two siblings are Kane Bridges and Sasha Bridges, African American police officers of the Wing City Police department WCPD. Kane Bridges is framed for the death of a millionaire and owner of the Full moon Hill Club, Jason Fields. Kane finds himself covered in Jason's blood during a setup. Sasha Bridges investigates the death to clear her brother's name. The death caused an unusual uproar over the country and the United States sent a last ditch effort before they had to call martial law on the crime infested city, a S.W.A.N (Special Weapons and Neutralization) is sent. S.W.A.N is a small group of investigators with special skills that solve A class crime all around the world.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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