
Osaru-Chan (2021)

None | USA | Japanese, English | 10 min
Directed by: Duke Ross

Brothers Pro and Carrie arrive at Yoko's Apartment dressed as LDS missionaries as a front to steal an expensive family heirloom: a figurine of a trumpeting macaque. They're undeniably sloppy, but they acquire the heirloom and get away scot-free. A frightened and angry Yoko goes to her son, Osaru for comfort. She implores him to find the thieves and bring them to justice. Osaru complies. Pro and Carrie pull up to their half sister, Nya's house in hopes of having a safe place to hide out for the night. She is less than pleased to see them and is reluctant to let them stay the night. After some shady comments from her brothers, she lets them in. Pro and Carrie make themselves comfortable, with Pro going downstairs to make himself a drink at the bar and Carrie grabbing a beer and relaxing on the couch. Nya sits near Carrie reading a magazine. Osaru approaches Nya's house. Each of the siblings are preoccupied. Pro puts in headphones, Carrie goes to the bathroom, and Nya sits on the couch. There's a knock at the door. Nya goes to answer it and gets her throat slashed, after which Osaru enters the bathroom and bashes Carrie's head against the counter. Pro comes upstairs to have a smoke break with Carrie. He looks for his brother only to find Osaru and a mangled corpse. A terrified Pro runs away before coming across Nya's corpse as well. As he looks at his sister, Osaru approaches him from behind and bisects him. Yoko sits alone in her apartment and sips some tea.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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