By Faith - The Stage Play_peliplat
By Faith - The Stage Play_peliplat

By Faith - The Stage Play (2022)

None | USA | English | 155 min
Directed by: Hulda Nicolas

What if we told you that the birth of Jesus is far more deeper than the wise men and the bright star? What if we told you there's more to the story of Mary and Joseph? What if we told you, that in the lineage of Jesus lies imperfect people? Though Jesus is perfect, his family wasn't. Yet God saw it best that His son came into this world, through a line of manipulation, betrayal, revenge, love, adultery and even - murder. We see the stories through the lens of Disciple Matthew, and the heart of God to demonstrate how He uses the bad for our good. This is Faith, in its full entirety.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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