Politician Plays the Race Card_peliplat
Politician Plays the Race Card_peliplat

Politician Plays the Race Card (2022)

Not Rated (US) | USA | English | 8 min
Directed by: Lianet Perez Vega

While on her way to a meeting, Mrs. Perkins is pulled over by a policeman. As Sgt. Garrett approaches the vehicle, Mrs. Perkins decides she is going to get out of this ticket by any means necessary. Mrs. Perkins informs Sgt. Garrett that she is a prominent politician in Mango Park, nevertheless the officer is determined to give her a ticket. So Mrs. Perkins, seeing that the officer and her share the same skin color, decides to play the race card.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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