Floating Holidays_peliplat
Floating Holidays_peliplat

Floating Holidays

None | Japan | Japanese | 102 min
Directed by: Yumi Masuda
This title has not premiered yet

Mika, who suffers from a mental disorder, suddenly has a visit from her young brother, Mah-chan who has always been a pain in her life. Meeting him after all these years after he was gone, gets her thrown around everywhere. However, by going to all kinds of places in Ukiha city, Japan with her brother, and talking things over, Mika regains her self back. Not just through medical treatment but also through her interactions with society and the people, also with the changes in her inner self, Mika's mental health begins to improve within a few days without her even realizing it.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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