When Jay met Ammar_peliplat
When Jay met Ammar_peliplat

When Jay met Ammar (2022)

None | India, Pakistan | Hindi, Urdu | 25 min
Directed by: Zainab H. Nasir, Akshaya Sawant

Many young people in India and Pakistan grew up hearing stories from older generations of the great wealth they claim to have left behind when the partition forced them to migrate. In this story, we meet Ammar from Pakistan, who calls on the Indian student Jay for urgent help in recovering what could be a left-behind treasure. Exploring a historical phenomenon in a dramatic journey, the film exhibits the overarching idea of the Indo-Pak bond, and the trust and deep-rooted connection among the people of India and Pakistan that itself, is also often hidden, but not unretrievable.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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