

None | USA | English, Romanian | 101 min
Directed by: Diana Angelson
This title has not premiered yet

This is the story of an incredible woman, Angela, a Romanian 112 dispatcher, who sacrificed her freedom to rescue an abducted 15 yo girl, because during the emergency call, she realized that the police units would not get there on time. Angela drove alone to find the girl, and managed to rescue her. But Angela vanished, never to be found again. After months of searching, she was officially declared dead. Four years later, two teenagers find her, tied-up in a basement in the countryside. Her reappearance becomes Romania's most important news. Everybody wants to know how she survived, what happened, and how exactly she rescued Alexandra, who is now a famous singer that owes her life to Angela. But Angela doesn't want to talk about it. Angela is invited to the most famous TV Show, to reveal the Secret. The entire country is watching, waiting to hear about the most incredible, gruesome, and fascinating rescue story in Romania, and about how a simple 112 dispatcher became the symbol of a nation. But when the Truth is revealed, everything changes forever.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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