Mothers of Steel_peliplat
Mothers of Steel_peliplat

Mothers of Steel (2017)

None | Germany, Poland | English | 57 min
Directed by: Madalina Dan, Agata Siniarska

Imagine the near future of two entities, artificial emotionalities - Fembot A.E. and Omnipresence - that proclaim their own state of matter. They are made of steel ... Mothers of Steel. Altering historical facts with future narratives, they travel back and forth in time with the help of human genetics and impersonations from origins to ends, from wires to flesh, from data to memory, from face to interface. Mourning emotional identification with their long gone countries Poland and Romania, they claim a state of their own. A state where territories and female powers are boundless.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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