Albrecht Durer: Through the Looking-Glass_peliplat
Albrecht Durer: Through the Looking-Glass_peliplat

Albrecht Durer: Through the Looking-Glass (2021)

None | France | French | 52 min
Directed by: Frédéric Ramade

Emerging at the end of the Middle Ages, in a Europe ravaged by epidemics, political turbulence and religious changes, the invention of the book was barely fifty years old when Dürer took his first steps on the artistic scene. As a genius entrepreneur, he would soon find himself at the center of innovation in the field of engraving, the ultimate medium for the circulation of works at the time. Especially since he "protected" his productions from those of his imitators by attaching his famous AD monogram, a real logotype before its time.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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