Ventanas Abiertas (Una odisea para asimilar el dolor)_peliplat
Ventanas Abiertas (Una odisea para asimilar el dolor)_peliplat

Ventanas Abiertas (Una odisea para asimilar el dolor) (2022)

None | Netherlands | Spanish, Dutch | 26 min
Directed by: Jos Mauro Witteveen

Daniel is a Cuban immigrant who has moved to Rotterdam. To him, the city is unpleasant and unfamiliar, his loneliness further aggravated by his job in a warehouse. Due to a lack of contact and a social life, he gets satisfaction out of spying on people and taking their picture, also in their own homes. His obsession with spying on his colleague Olivier triggers a transformation. Social-realist drama about identity loss and displacement when integrating into a new city and culture.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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