Final Play_peliplat
Final Play_peliplat

Final Play (2022)

None | Canada | English |

Four friends are playing baseball when Sarah invites Adam to a party that night after the game. The group wants to find a place to pre-drink before the party and Adam offers his Mom's house after he finds out that his Mom and sister will be out for a few hours. At Adam's house, the girls get ready for the party while Adam and Colin drink some beer and hang out. Katie smokes a joint and then a vape pen and offers Adam a puff, which he eventually agrees to try. Sarah is drinking vodka and everyone is having a good time until Adam gets several texts from his sister telling him that she and their Mom are on their way home. Adam wants everyone to leave the house before his Mom and sister arrive home, but he's visibly high and drunk. Sarah asks if he's ok to drive but he insists that he is - a decision that changes all of their lives forever.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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