The Roman Springs on Mrs. Stone_peliplat
The Roman Springs on Mrs. Stone_peliplat

The Roman Springs on Mrs. Stone (1963)

None | USA | English | 19 min
Directed by: Ray Harrison

This spoof of The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone (1961) centers on all of the female characters being portrayed by drag queens in indomitable i.e. very broad drag queen style, and that the film is presented largely as a silent movie. Once famous stage actress Karen Stone is all alone in the world living in isolation in her villa. Her loneliness is punctuated by her sense of being old and unlovable in a sexual sense. Coming across the advertisement of the services of Countessa Vaselinni, Karen hires one of the Countessa's boys i.e. gigolos, Paulo. Karen begins to rely on Paulo as a part of her life, he who may have other thoughts, especially of a sexual nature. If Paulo does end up leaving her, Karen may be left in an even more vulnerable state than when she started, opening her up to other opportunistic men, some who are after more than just her money.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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