Khozyain Imperii_peliplat
Khozyain Imperii_peliplat

Khozyain Imperii (2002)

16+ (RU) | Russia | Russian | 115 min
Directed by: Eldor Urazbaev

The hero of the film is a former famous «Formula 1» racing driver. Having finished his sports career, he decides to devote himself to business and buys a chain of supermarkets in Moscow, investing all his savings. Despite the company's debts, theft of employees, bribery of officials, obstruction of power, sweeping slander of the press and dirty provocations from competitors who want to remove him from the game, the main character emerges with honor as a winner, proving that business can be done honestly and built without crime.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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