La petite honte_peliplat
La petite honte_peliplat

La petite honte

None | Belgium | French |
Directed by: Zahra Benasri
This title has not premiered yet

Izza-belle, a young student, visits her classmate's home for the first time and is amazed by the huge library in the living room. When he tells her that and is amazed by the huge library in the living room. When he tells her that a house without a library is a house without culture, Izza becomes painfully house without a library is a house without culture, Izza becomes painfully aware that there is no library at her place. Thus, she projects the one she aware that there is no library at her place. Thus, she projects the one she would like to be...would like to be.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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