Staying Put_peliplat
Staying Put_peliplat

Staying Put (2022)

None | Netherlands | Amharic | 127 min
Directed by: Nico Bunnik

While his friends are dreaming of a modern and better life in Europe, Abebe travels through ancient Ethiopia, trying to find crucial answers and a way towards a meaningful life. In an observational style, we follow the young Abebe in his personal quest. The future is uncertain, his journey erratic. The centuries-old scenery of impressive landscapes, monasteries and rock-hewn churches is undisturbed. The reality of daily life and Abebe's magical dreams merge into each other. Filmmaker Nico Bunnik shot and developed this film over a period of 5 years together with Abebe and his friends. Close to the bone, from Abebe's perspective we follow him in his thoughts and quest.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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