K. Beskrivning av en kamp_peliplat
K. Beskrivning av en kamp_peliplat

K. Beskrivning av en kamp (2006)

None | Sweden | Swedish | 100 min
Directed by: David Radok

The main character in the opera is K., who has many features in common with the writer Franz Kafka, but the authors' aim was not to depict his real life. K. could at the same time be anyone fighting K.'s existential battle. The gallery of people is made up of people that Kafka actually met or that he could have met during his lifetime. Despite the title, the opera "K. Description of a struggle" is not based on Kafka's youth work "Description of a Struggle", but consists of a mosaic of quotations from his entire literary production as well as his diaries, letters and writings in the service.

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