Reichsbürger gegen den Staat - Eine Parallelwelt mitten in Deutschland_peliplat
Reichsbürger gegen den Staat - Eine Parallelwelt mitten in Deutschland_peliplat

Reichsbürger gegen den Staat - Eine Parallelwelt mitten in Deutschland (2016)

None | Germany | German | 44 min
Directed by: Clemens Riha, Katja Riha

"Reichsbürger Against the State - A Parallel World in the Middle of Germany" - is a label for several anticonstitutional/revisionist groups and individuals in Germany and elsewhere who reject the legitimacy of the modern German state, the Federal Republic of Germany, in favour of the German Reich, which existed from 1871 to 1945. The movement consists of very different persons with different beliefs, therefore it is difficult to define the movement and its ideology. Some groups are republican, others monarchist, some include far-right and antisemitic thoughts. Ever since a police officer was shot dead by a self-proclaimed Reichbürger in the Franconian town of Georgensmünd, they have made headlines almost every day: citizens who have declared war on the Federal Republic and claim that the state is actually a GmbH and that the German Reich continues to exist. The construct seems so crude that these opponents of German democracy were not really taken seriously for a long time. Although bailiffs, tax officials and law enforcement officers have been meeting "Reich citizens" for years. They refuse to obey orders, to pay taxes. They issue their own passports and certificates. They establish their own principalities and kingdoms, set up border signs and their own "police agency". They raise debt claims against the Federal Chancellor and President as well as against individual employees in the offices.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Reichsbürger gegen den Staat - Eine Parallelwelt mitten in Deutschland
(Original title)
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes