A man is injected with a mysterious substance, causing his internal organs to fall out of his stomach. He starts bleeding from his mouth, eyes and ears. He peels the skin off his hand to escape handcuffs, we see the bones. He then peels half his face off, and rips his other arm off, before he loses his head. Very graphic.
A one eyed woman is gassed until she begins vomiting green blood and peeling her face off. Her body begins bubbling, blood pours out of everywhere, and her leg snaps in half. Her entire face is gone before she perishes. Very graphic.
A homeless man is brutally killed by a machine. His body melts and his legs fall off. Then his arm is ripped off before his face melts off. His stomach is ripped open, exposing his internal organs before he explodes. Graphic.
A man drinks poisoned liquor and vomits profusely, peels his face off, and has his internal organs spill out of his stomach. He is then hit by a car, and a chunk of his skull flies off as he dies. Bloody, brutal and graphic.
A man is poisoned and his neck spews blood then explodes and sends his head flying into the hands of his friends. They try to reattach it. Graphic and bloody but comical.
A woman is shot and killed.
Several people are gassed to death in a particularly horrifying scene.
A knife is thrown into a man's mouth, killing him.
Blood and gore covers the walls as people are sliced, shot and blown up by grenades.
The end is extremely violent and gruesome.
A man's severed head and bloody spinal cord are seen wiggling around on the floor.
A man is beheaded with a baseball bat, a geyser of blood spews from his neck.
A man is graphically slaughtered with a chainsaw. Very bloody.