Before Night Falls_peliplat
Before Night Falls_peliplat
Play trailer

Before Night Falls (2022)

NC16 (SG) | UK, Indonesia | Indonesian | 102 min
Directed by: Helfi C.H. Kardit

For their thesis, Thalia, Erlan, and Ahmad, students majoring in psychology, meet Nina, who has a mental health condition, and make a documentary because the patient's illness is considered strange. Nina goes through three phases of mental change. She looks normal in the mornings and afternoons but still cold and horrifying. In the second phase into the night, Nina begins to react hysterically. Nina feels a spirit entering her body. The third phase is the phase of Nina's body which is not her self anymore. Nina has been possessed by the ancestral spirit of Nina, who lived hundreds of years ago. Thalia and her friend's investigations have to deal with mystical things that are beyond their logic.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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