A Queen on Stake_peliplat
A Queen on Stake_peliplat

A Queen on Stake (2016)

None | India | Malayalam | 7 min
Directed by: Prijil J.R.

The movie perpetuates the sensitivity and contradiction of the subject from the start which is open for debate. As people who are living in this society, the makers are only trying to discover the objective truth behind a doubt where many of our minds remain suspended between two or more contradictory propositions, unable to be certain of any of them. The makers' views on this topic might have been reflected in this movie intentionally or unintentionally. However, they are not trying to give any proper advice or instruction in this movie. The film brings to light and gently untangles the problem of women getting/being objectified and scandalized in our society due to the modernized or constantly changing and adapted custom of wearing the so-called 'disrespectful' and 'immodest' outfit(s) in public. It tries to communicate that women should not completely ignore and overlook the possibilities of pitfalls involved in wearing such outfit(s) in an untrustworthy society and accordingly enlighten all to " Enjoy freedom without being careless".The narrative has taken account of different perspectives from the viewers before ending it with a surreal climax - For those people who believe in the incarnation avatars (as said in Vedas) and the existence of guardian angels (as said in the Bible and Quran), it is a "magical realism" where the genre incorporates fantastic or mythical elements into otherwise realistic fiction, and for those who do not believe in all these concepts and even doubt the existence of GOD, it's a "fantasy". "Satire" comes in when some people think - ARE THINGS LIKE THIS GOING TO HAPPEN IN REAL WORLD?. Accordingly, without underlining any particular views, the movie will leave the audience by giving them a space to think about what is right and what is wrong. In short, the film plainly says that both Men and Women are social beings and have their shared and/or mutual responsibilities to ensure a safe and secure environment.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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