Modern Warfare_peliplat
Modern Warfare_peliplat

Modern Warfare (2021)

None | USA | English | 16 min
Directed by: Olufemi Sowemimo

Still bitter over the bullying she received in high school, Victoria sees her upcoming 10-year reunion as the perfect opportunity to rub her success in the faces of her former tormentors: Gareth, past-his-prime jock and Victoria's former crush; Winifred, the artsy faux-intellectual; and Tabitha, the Queen Bee mean girl. Getting revenge while maintaining the niceties of polite society requires from Victoria equal parts savagery and social grace. But as she doles out the abuse she was so frequently the target of, she comes closer to becoming the very thing she hates - a bully. Worse yet, when Victoria confronts Tabitha, she finds not a mean girl, but an enlightened, mature woman, who, unlike Victoria, has left high school and all its drama behind. Facing off against her will force Victoria to question what is truly the best way to heal her emotional bruises: Is it by confronting your past? Or is it by getting over it?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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