Mark Jury: Beyond Demons_peliplat
Mark Jury: Beyond Demons_peliplat

Mark Jury: Beyond Demons (2019)

None | USA | English | 12 min
Directed by: John Mikulak

2020 Emmy Award Winner. In 1969, Vietnam veteran and celebrated photojournalist, Mark Jury, covered what he called "America's first and last rock 'n' roll war." His striking images were published to great acclaim in "The Vietnam Photo Book," influenced the look of Coppola's "Apocalypse Now" and propelled him to worldwide success as a photographer and filmmaker in 70s and 80s. But his work hard/play hard ethic couldn't keep the demons of war and PTSD at bay forever. After decades of alcoholism, suicide attempts and episodes of madness, Mark finally finds the strength to enter treatment and discover a way to move on from his past and away from the pain.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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