Territoires des Amériques_peliplat
Territoires des Amériques_peliplat

Territoires des Amériques (2021)

None | Canada | French | 46 min
Directed by: Patrick Bossé

Lands of the Americas, like a travel diary, journeys through the works of René Derouin and the lands he has explored. Experienced in an immersive dome and through virtual reality glasses, this 360 film revolves around the artist's identity quest that spanned his 60-year career. The film's storyline links the creations of this multidisciplinary artist to the key areas of his migrations: from Quebec to Mexico, reaching Japan and the United States, passing through Canada's Far North, then returning to his homeland. This virtual journey traces a fragmented portrait of Derouin, revealing the depth of his interior landscape. As an art and experimental film, Lands of the Americas is an immersive artistic experience that delves into the heart of Derouin's work.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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