It's Not You_peliplat
It's Not You_peliplat

It's Not You (2021)

None | Australia | English | 14 min
Directed by: Jon Pettas

As Dave and his sister, Emily, prepare to launch Re:Volve, a revolutionary personality-enhancement startup, Dave struggles to juggle the envy of living in his sister's shadow with the impending collapse of his relationship. When Dave discovers that his girlfriend, Liz, has packed her bags, he finds himself desperately lacking the emotional capacity to handle her leaving. In an effort to attain some form of control over both his professional and personal life, Dave chooses to use his new technology to alter Liz's personality. However, Dave's newfound sense of control is short-lived, as Emily grows suspicious and Liz begins to malfunction, leaving Dave with a choice: save himself, save Liz, or run.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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