
Fazant (2022)

None | Netherlands | Dutch |
Directed by: Cyrion Willems

Dirk is a young man who isn't what you would call manly. He loves comics, manga, cinema and other "nerdy" peculiarities. When his favorite uncle dies he is devastated. One day while at his job Dirk runs into Felix, his former best friend who he used to share his nerdy hobbies with. Somehow Felix seems to have turned himself into quite the stud. Well dressed, confident, tattoos and a daring haircut. Dirk decides to give Felix a call to find out how he underwent such a transformation. Felix introduces Dirk to Dildo Dave, the leader of a bizarre cult that promises to turn Dirk into the man he's always dreamed of becoming. Throughout his journey Dirk keeps expanding his comfort zone more and more, thereby becoming the man he thinks he should be. Until he falls in love with Yara, the girl who works at the local cinema. Yara has a profound influence on Dirk and shows him that he can be liked and loved for who he really is. Because of her, Dirk breaks with his cult of friends which leads to a catastrophic conflict.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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