
Bhog (2021)

None | India | Hindi | 7 min
Directed by: Jitendra Yadav

BHOG is a short film. It has little arguments between Priest and a boy named Golu ,who lives with priest to help him on ghat daily. One day Priest gives Golu some sweats to offer to the God in the temple. Golu returns from temple, but he has nothing in his hand. Priest asks him where is all sweats. Golu tells him (priest) that God was very hungry today so he ate all sweats. When Priest hear this sentence, he is in thinking that how can god ate all sweats. This is the beautiful and suspicious moment of "Bhog" that where is all sweats. In the last Golu is eating sweats with children who are in the God's face "shankar" and "parwati". Priest is watching them from a distence. Which makes a smile on Priest's face. Perhaps he has found his God in those children.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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