No Limits: An Arts Series Focused on Access for All_peliplat
No Limits: An Arts Series Focused on Access for All_peliplat

No Limits: An Arts Series Focused on Access for All (2020)

None | USA | English | 46 min
Directed by: Rocky Walls

In Indianapolis, Indiana students from the Indiana School for the Blind and Visually Impaired start a club. The No Limits Art Series meets at the school weekly and ventures out to visit arts organizations around the city, aiming to strengthen inclusiveness and remove social barriers in the arts for individuals with disabilities. The Indiana Blind Children's Foundation (IBCF), through a grant by Lilly Endowment Inc., organized high school students from the Indiana School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (ISBVI) to work alongside several Indianapolis-based arts organizations to increase their accessibility for individuals with disabilities, bringing the voice of their students outside their campus.

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