Immerhin: Die Kunst, die Kunst_peliplat
Immerhin: Die Kunst, die Kunst_peliplat

Immerhin: Die Kunst, die Kunst (2024)

12 (DE) | Germany | German | 90 min
Directed by: Antonia Walther

"Anyway: the art, the art" follows the theater group of the renowned director Stan who want to put together a play about the critical sides of the pharmaceutical industry. To support the actors' problems, Stan hires the psychotherapist Dr Franz. She is supposed to support Stan's actors and ensure that the production runs smoothly. Stan notices how she gives the team and actors the drug Zyprecs to make them addicted and to put the pharmaceutical industry in a good light. The actors gradually begin to suffer a nervous breakdown from the side effects of the medication, but the premiere is getting closer and closer. As a medical consultant, Dr Franz intervenes ever more deeply in the production processes and artistic work. In addition to power struggles and funny production ideas, the film deals with the question of how communication and art processes work among narcissistic artists. The camera follows an ensemble and connects the layers with a voice over from the director of the film and star photographer Edgar Herbst. The film shows on multiple levels how art and films are created, what happens behind the scenes and what many take for granted.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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