The Special People_peliplat
The Special People_peliplat

The Special People (2021)

None | USA | 121 min
Directed by: Erica Schreiner

The citizens of a pink forest stare into iridescent cubes and cannot look away. Apple, Bird and Violet manage to break their trance, and indulge in philosophical conversation, trying to understand why they are 'free' when the others are not. They had their voices removed when they were babies so they have to learn how to communicate telepathically. They experience the sensuality of fruit and each other in The Forest, but soon feel it is not enough. The Special People decide to embark on a journey to bring the other citizens of The Forest back to consciousness by attempting to destroy the master cube, guarded by The Overlords. On this journey, the three get separated and Apple must continue the journey alone. She encounters many of The Obstacles along the way and learns if she is to free the citizens of The Forest, she'll have to sacrifice her life.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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