
Hirvee (2021)

None | India | Marathi | 90 min
Directed by: Agnel Roman

The story revolves around Hirvee and her father Sudhakar Desai and the sarcasm within the government management. Life for the past two years has been stuck in front of a screen, but the movie 'Hirvee' is like a breath of fresh air. Touching the heart while unveiling the events is the essence of this directorial debut of Renowned music director Agnel Roman. Earlier, Roman had directed the acclaimed music for the film "Noble Peace '' at the Dada Saheb Phalke Film Festival. This year, the director, who has an excellent knowledge of musical tunes, is bringing the gentle tunes of nature to the audience this year. The film manages to beautifully capture the essence of modern times; it covers a wide range of discussions directly from cancer to the environment. There are also descriptions of the ugliness hidden in a simple sentence like, 'Plant trees, save trees'.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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