Frequent extended impactful sequences of violence involving several hand-to-hand combat and shootouts. Blood detail can be seen occasionally.
A soldier has his face hit with a rock.
Frequent sci-fi/action violence throughout. Some of it is shocking with blood.
Many buildings and ships are blown up.
Several scenes of intense fighting with guns, explosives and swords.
A fellow Harkonnen is dragged offscreen to be fed to the servants.
A man viciously slams another man's head against a control panel repeatedly until he falls to the floor motionless. This is unexpected and shocking.
Large mounds of dead bodies are set on fire by people with flamethrowers in a several scenes.
Countless soldiers are shot in the head and then fall from a massive height from a cliff. Their bodies slam onto the desert ground in a blunt fashion.
The scene in the arena is very frightening and sadistic although nothing much graphic is shown. The villain is seen taunting his drugged opponents before killing them. He slashes two of the men's throats while making savage animal noises and then finally taunts the last victim by letting him believe he is winning then stabbing a blade into his stomach. He eerily enjoys his pain embracing him before ripping the dagger out.
A man's neck is suddenly snapped by Rabban.
An innocent woman has her neck slashed open by a villain. Blood can be seen gushing out of her throat before she falls to the ground and the another woman is stabbed to death directly after which is brutal but is mostly heard rather than seen.
A man has a knife stabbed into his neck and then it is viciously pulled out. Pretty graphic.
The final fight results in countless throats being slashed and people being devoured by the massive worms. Afterward everyone is covered in blood with their blades soaked and dripping.
A very disturbing scene where a woman kneels on the ground covered in blood shortly after she massacred nine men (not shown) and as punishment she is killed with a flamethrower. The camera cuts away and implies her death but the sadistic mannerisms of the killer is disturbing.
The film infrequently depicts sadistic violence at the hands of a villainous character. While all of these scenes are disturbing, only one of them is truly graphic and it depicts two innocent women being slaughtered with a blade with accompanying blood gushing and yelping noises before they slump to the ground.
Two female servants are heard screaming very loudly in another room. A man enters and we see two dead bodies covered in blood and blood splatter patterns all over the walls implying that they were brutally killed.
A man's throat is slit, He dies in a pool of blood and it's implied his body is eaten.
Level of violence: 7/10. Strong violence.
Strong violence.